Reference Overdosed: The amount of shout-outs wouldn't be a problem if their execution wasn't so uninspired, turning a video game which is meant to be an homage into a parody of other games (namely, Final Fantasy VII).Prepare to Die: The Undead King says this right before you battle him.In the Ruins of Sarudnahk, however, you have the choice of playing as her instead of Clink. Party in My Pocket: Kaeris spends most of the game in this state.

100% Completion: Of secret stars and duel monster cards.My Name Is ?: Clink, Kaeris, and Zephyros all get this treatment.Money Spider: All mobs in the Ruins of Sarudnahk drop glis when defeated.Mirror Match: The boss fight in Noria Mines is against Dopple, a shadow version of Clink.Loads and Loads of Loading: Parodied-in Aogai Village, screen transitions are padded with a loading screen until you buy the "Fast DVD Player" upgrade.Kamehame Hadoken: Zephyros does one during the first battle with him.Item Get!: A fanfare plays every time you open a chest, and the hero holds up said item if there is one.Interface Spoiler: In the Ruins of Sarudnahk, one chest is in the middle of an area that has been marked with a skull on the Minimap.Tree sprouts are unpassable in 3D, but they can be walked past and burned away by fire in 2D mode.These impassable obstacles when in 2D turn out to be only a few inches tall when the game becomes three-dimensional. Subverted with the Dimensional Stones.When the 3D comes into play, however, it abandons the clever puzzles and becomes a shallow RPG. Indecisive Parody: Starts out as a parody of old 2D adventure games, with some pretty clever puzzles.Hopeless Boss Fight: Part of the first battle against Zephyros.Hello, : You can name both the main character and the healer (and her uncle) whatever you want.The Ruins of Sarudnahk is a Diablo-style Hack and Slash. Genre Shift: From Action-Adventure to Role-Playing Game.He is also one to Link, as his name already suggests. Clink is an expy of Cloud this time, complete with a buster sword you can pick up eventually.Kaeris is one of Aerith with her pink outfit, staff and healing magic and plot demanded death.Evil Tower of Ominousness: The Black Citadel.

Deliberately Monochrome: At least until you unlock a more varied color palette.
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